WordPress vs the competition

Since WordPress is the forerunner in the CMS market, we weighed it up against the competition to highlight the differences between the software and what they are best suited for. For comparison, we’ve considered the top three, WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal and popular alternatives Squarespace and Wix. Our analysis includes these deciding attributes;.
Picking a CMS is the first step in building a website, You’ll want to start by looking at platforms flexible enough to meet your future needs while offering a return on your investment. Most importantly, opt for a system that matches your level of expertise.

  • Hosting – A key component of a successful website is how it’s hosted.
  • Cost – the cost of developing and maintaining a website should be factored in when choosing a platform. The end costs depend on your needs – make sure your chosen platform allows you to get what you need within budget.
  • Difficulty – Beginners want a platform that helps them create websites easily without spending too much time learning new skills, especially not code.
  • Design and layout – The appearance of your site plays an important role in its success; your brand should stand out through good looking design and a user-friendly interface.
  • Flexibility – the availability of third-party themes and plugins and adapt the design and use apps to add more features to your site.
  • E-commerce – Most beginners look to selling things online, the ability to implement e-commerce is an important feature for any CMS platform.
  • Security – All websites are prone to security risks, how your CMS protect your site impacts your site security.
  • Developer community – CMS with an active developer community has the most up-to-date add-ons and the most support such as online tutorials and Q&A’s.